Tuesday, March 17, 2009

You never can tell...

The most demure, self-effacing, soft-spoken, red-haired, freckle-faced, gold-cross-wearing young female client might also be wearing the sexiest little hot-pink and black thong underwear!

You just never can tell...


Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

You have all the fun!

There are so many things I can think of to say in response to this post, but I'm exercising my morals and restraining myself :)

Christina RN LMT said...

*lol* I just shook my head in disbelief and moved on. Yesterday was my thong day for some reason. Almost every female client who did keep her undies on was wearing a thong.
BTW...you really don't have to restrain yourself here...I certainly don't!

Buck said...

You just never can tell...

And therein lies the whole danged problem with dating/courtship, and why I've opted out (so to speak). There's way too much of an investment... mostly in time... to get down to the truth, the whole truth, and nothing BUT the truth.

Thus spake the Curmudgeonly Old Man (who HAS known truth and loved it, in the not-so-distant past).

LOL at my verif-word: Hisses. I sh!t thee NOT. Proof in a screen-shot, should you ask. Hell, I'll mail it to ya!

HollyB said...

Yeah, you never can tell.
The first time I saw my daughter in "sexy" underwear [during a shopping trip] I was shocked...the asked where she got them!

Christina RN LMT said...

Buck's going all philosophical on us...;)
See, here's MY problem...does it even mean anything? One's choice of underwear, I mean. 'Cause judging from what I've seen as a therapist, thongs are extremely popular and common.
But Buck, I understand where you're coming from. It does take an enormous amount of time and effort to really get to know someone, and even then you never truly know someone completely, 'cause that's impossible. And I got your email, and *lol*ed!

Holly, see? Everyone's wearing them! (Except for me...)

Buck said...

See, here's MY problem...does it even mean anything? One's choice of underwear, I mean.

Prolly not, if experience is any indicator. The wildest, bestest, yadda, yadda, I ever had wore plain white cotton undies. But then again that gal was CHEAP, in the frugal-with-money sense. And a helluva woman, too. Book, cover, etc. But I think my larger point was... oh, never mind. ;-)

Glad you liked the screenshot!

Christina RN LMT said...

I surely did!

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

I was being a bit facetious about holding back. I certainly enjoy a good "whale tale" sighting as much as the next guy.

Anonymous said...

*snicker* Hell yeah! Good for her!