Wednesday, March 02, 2011


Tomorrow is my birthday, w00t! I'm going to be 41 years old.

I remember marveling as a child that I would turn 30 in the year 2000, and how OLD I'd be...LOL.

Why 29 was still acceptably young yet 30 not I don't know.

Anyway, I'm headed to Boston bright and early tomorrow to visit friends and take in the sights. I'll have my laptop with me so I'll probably be posting on occasion, and will definitely be checking email, etc.

We're getting together on Saturday for lunch and Monday for dinner, so if anyone in the area would like to join us, drop me an email at

Don't trash the joint while I'm gone, but do remember to walk the dogs...


Guffaw in AZ said...

(in Walter Brennan font) 'Gol Durn, ya young whippersnappa!'
Happy Birthday, and have a safe trip and good time!

Bag Blog said...

Happy Birthday for tomorrow! Enjoy Boston! My birthday is one week from today, but I will be 53 - yikes!

Mike W. said...

Have fun! I'll call the AARP and remind them to send you more mailings :P

Keads said...

Happy Birthday! Have a safe trip!

Old NFO said...

Happy 29th, again... :-) travel safe!

Christina RN LMT said...

Thanks, Y'all!

Lou, Happy Birthday to you (albeit early...)!

Mike, I'm warning you...;)

Shannon said...


Captain Tightpants said...

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, enjoy your trip to Boston, happy birthday to you :D

Mulligan said...

ok, the dogs are safe as long as they growl from a distance and don't bite me

i'm gonna kill the cat ... bruiser the evil is on borrowed time

pls do not alert the AARP .. ill have to deal with repercussions if you do ... the screaming is just the beginning.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Happy Birthday! [Belated edition]

Hope it's a great year!

Julie said...

Happy (belated) birthday (and i'm sure i managed to miss it last year as well! :( )

Glad to hear you had fun with Marko and Sci-Fi ... lucky girl :)