The last nap I attempted, on Tuesday, died in its infancy, thanks to my soon-to-be former roommate hallooing at the door.
Today, I had just turned out the light and laid my head on my pillow with a sigh of satisfaction when my phone rang. Normally, I turn the ringer off during nap-time, but I was on-call at the spa today, so I had to leave it on. As it was my favorite brother on the other end, I ended up chatting with him for over half an hour. I think my replies to him at the end of that time were rather monosyllabic, but I don't think he noticed. :D
Finally, FINALLY, I was able to slumber. Albeit with bizarre dreams.
An all-too-short time later came a knock at the door...I'm pretty sure the nice, young Mormon missionaries weren't expecting a wild-haired, crazy-eyed woman to answer the door with dog in hand (he was barking furiously), but that's what they got! They shoved a card with their URL into my hands and took off.
I gave up on the nap and decided to whine on my blog instead. Lucky you.
I'm happy to stop by and listen. I hope you can nap the nap of kings, soon.
We will listen and soon you will get the nap of all naps. Promise!
Oh, the dog is good. So is a .45 on the hip to dissuade a prolonged conversation with them!
Q: Whattya get when you cross an Atheist with a Jehovah's Witness?
A: Someone who knocks on your door for no reason.
Thanks folks, you've been great. We'll be here all week. Be sure and try the roast beef.
I've scared off a set of Jehovah's Witnesses by answering the door with a nursing baby and 7 other children... all under 8 years old....
They just stared at me wide eye and said... "You look like you have your hands full." and they made a quick exit... I think they were afraid I'd ask them to take some with them.
BTW they weren't all mine... only 3... the rest belonged to friends.
booze always helps me take naps. I hear masturbation helps too...
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