And here's one of the kittens. So young, their umbilical cords are still attached!
Very cute, and momma is purring like a machine all the time.
OMG...just got to recount the kitties, since Momma was taking a there are SIX. I guess that first day she was in the middle of having them when I counted!
That has got to be the single worst place for Momma to have those little ones. But CUTE! *squee* Momma is real pretty, too.
Cute kitties, but you REALLY need to get momma spayed... Those cats will go feral in a heartbeat out there.
Thanks, Mauser*Girl! All the cats here are cute. Very small and fine-boned, VERY friendly.
I agree about her choice of nesting spot. I hope she moves them before we get a bad rain.
Old NFO, she's not my cat. My roommate strongly objects to spaying/neutering cats kept solely for vermin control. He is of the belief it will "alter their nature". *sigh* I've been over this with him many times.
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