Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Meanwhile, back at the spa...

I've had a pretty darn good week. A few slow days, to be sure, but also a couple good days, too. And people have actually been tipping fairly decently, for a change.

I even impressed a Greek gentleman so much, he came back today for a second helping of Christina's massage! And he told me he'll be back once more before he goes home. AND he's a good tipper, too.

It just works out that way, sometimes.

Tomorrow, when I'm not so beat, I'll regale you with Phyllis' adventure, which occurred my last weekend. Why do I always miss the excitement?!


Buck said...

Well... here's hoping the Good Tipping Train continues on down your tracks!

Sonja said...

So... I'm gearing up for my very first spa day (a late mother's day gift from my hubby) (sadly, not in Vegas since the drive would be a little much just for that) and am wondering... how much should I tip?

Roismhaire said...

Good to hear you're having a good week! Me too - although it's over 100 degrees here and I got a request for a hot stone massage today. Guess some people really like heat. Bet it's hot in Vegas too, eh?

Christina RN LMT said...

Thanks, Buck! I can really use good tips.

Sonja, leave what you would normally tip in a restaurant. Of course, this is also influenced by how much you enjoyed the experience!

Have a wonderful, wonderful time! :)

Roismhaire, it's hotter than Hades here. Ugh. I love giving hot stone massages, but you gotta wonder about some people...