Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Furry little bastards!

It seems my pups consider 6:20 AM a DANDY time to get up, even on my day off...

*grumble mutter stupid grrrr wanna sleep grumble*


phlegmfatale said...

AFter all, they can sleep all day when you're gone. Like slugs, they'll sleep. But when you're home-- it's PLAY time!

Christina RN LMT said...

Tell me. About ten minutes later, they were sleeping again, in my bed, of course, but I was wide awake.


phlegmfatale said...

They're tyrants.

Speaking of tyrannical behaviours, I've tagged you on a meme. I won't be offended if you don't fool with it, but I was curious to see your favorite links. Cheers!

Christina RN LMT said...

No problemo, Phlegm. It's funny that I saw I was tagged at YOUR blog, before I even checked my own comments. I must be slipping...