Heard this song in the car today, and I started to cry. *sigh*
Why am I so emo lately? I cry at the drop of a hat. I think everybody hates me (well, okay, ALMOST everybody), and I'm convinced I'll die old, alone, and lonely.
I hate feeling this way.
You aint alone.
Dammit. I want everybody to be HAPPY, and that includes ME.
((( hugs)))
hope it gets better soon
Thank you so much, B! I can definitely use a hug. :)
It's a pity you're so far away m'dear. Were you a few hours farther East and a good drive North I'd offer you a drink and a shoulder.
You are not alone in your thoughts. I find myself thinking (with greater frequency than I'd like) that my lot in life is to merely survive until I've out lived anybody that might miss me. I cannot offer any words of encouragement or solace beyond saying, "yeah, me too."
Dunno if the "right" person is out there for you. Or me for that matter. But seeing as how you don't have a map or a compass to guide you I wouldn't worry too much about wandering about.
Hope the anti-caffeine deal is still going for you.
Yeah, yeah, it's hackneyed but I like being unknown.
Well, Anonymous, it's good to know I'm not the only one out there feeling this way. I'm just frustrated with myself, because I'm normally a happy, upbeat person. Argh. This, too, shall pass. I hope!
Thank you for the offer of a drink and a shoulder. I appreciate it!
Yes, this too shall pass.
It may pass like a kidney stone but it shall pass.
Besides, we've got to have the suck. Yin & yang and all that Eastern wisdom.
Heh. My roommate was saying something about Karma earlier, when I was complaining about the phone call from my vet that my kitten has tapeworms in addition to ringworm. Which means that the OTHER kitten likely has tapeworms, too. And my dogs, from eating the cat poop out of the litter box. ARGH.
So the question becomes....
Just what did you do in a past life to earn this?
Could this be related to going cold turkey on the caffeine? (meant in all seriousness).
I've known others who were so concerned with the happiness of others that they failed to take care of their own. Start with yourself, and then find your friends who want to be happy, too.
Buckskins Rule, I felt WORSE on the caffeine!
I dunno, I think I have too much stress. Grrrr.
I'll try to take better care of myself, but it's hard when I have so much on my plate.
You're never alone when you have kittehs!! *HUGS!*
Lissa, that's another part of the problem. I have kittehs, but I can't snuggle with them or play with them, because I'm so paranoid about the ringworm. If I get ringworm on my hands or arms, I can't work until it's completely healed. :(
Christina - the ringworm fiasco alone could be enough to bring every aspect of your being to an screaming halt - I only know this because we had a run in with it a few years back that was devastating on many levels. Once that issue is resolved, your emotional and mental mood will surely rise. Hang in there woman!! (Incidentally, I cry at the drop of a hat even when all is right in my world, so...)
Shannon, I think you're right. I feel like stuff is piling up on me, BAD stuff. :( I think things are looking up. I picked up Pipsqueak today and I have to take him back once a week for another Lime/Sulfur dip until his fur grows back, and they're going to give me a credit for the medicine that didn't work. Yay! My dogs seem to be improving with the Lotrimin cream I'm using on them, too. So it's looking good so far.
I hope you feel better. And I hope the pets feel better too. Whatever you need, I'm there.
Thank you, Sweetheart! I love you!
You need something, you call me, even if it's just to talk. You still have my number.
Just know that there's at least one person out there who cares for you enough to drop everything and come a runnin'.
And I'm not the only one.
Thank you, Kelly. That's very good to know. :)
Just a small contribution for ya...
Range time is the best stress therapy I know if. Better than hot tubs and massage.
Go with just you and your gun to an outdoor range that's not too busy. Put in a couple of hours of trigger time. I start out all stressed up, and leave completely relaxed. It really is amazing.
I think it mostly has to do with forcing you to pay specific attention to what you're doing. Shooting guns, concentrating on your sights an target - it causes you to force everything else out of your mind.
Were you able to find a decent range in your area?
John, no. Not yet, anyway. I'm seriously lacking in time and money, too. :(
That's a fabulous idea, though. Thanks.
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