Moving when it's a bazillion degrees outside sucks even more.
Moving when it's a bazillion degrees outside and the A/C unit at the house decides to go on vacation sucks the most.
Moving my internet is the UBER-SUCK, however. Especially when I arranged the move at LEAST six weeks ago, was assured my new address was in their service area, then come to find, "Oops, sorry...the signal is too weak!" That makes me want to kill somebody. To cap it off, since it's been (obviously) less than two years since I signed on with them, I have to pay a whopping cancellation fee. The bastards! Grrrrr.
Getting NEW and FASTER internet within a DAY rocks.
Getting away from a, shall we say, rather PARANOID roommate is absolutely priceless, and worth all the hassle and expense. :)
Yes, that is a sign at my former place of residence. Yes, he's booby-trapped the garage, workshop, and all outbuildings, since he's away on business and is tired of being robbed when he's away. I'm still not done moving all my stuff out, though today will definitely finish everything off, and I'm so tired, I'm afraid I'll open the door from the kitchen to the garage without thinking, and get shot. *sigh* Better drink more coffee...
Let me are in the tender mercies of AT&T? Yes?
Nope. A local broadband company that I actually really, really liked. Great customer service (until now!), but they just fell down on the job with this thing. Oh, well.
Coffee...and kevlar.
Shannon, the coffee did the trick, thankfully. :)
"To cap it off, since it's been (obviously) less than two years since I signed on with them, I have to pay a whopping cancellation fee. The bastards! Grrrrr."
Generally, moving out of the service area voids the contract, and you don't have to pay the cancellation fee. It may not be the case for this company, but check the fine print, you might be surprised.
Oooooh, thanks, 10% I'll have to send them an email...
I see he's seen my signs andmade crude copies.
Glad you're off from there. On a side note, were there any kittens left? My mom is making noises about how cute Daley/Hopkins is.
Did I mention I ran off a 4 foot rat snake from your drive as we left?
Umm...paranoid much? (Talking about your former roommate). I'm glad you're finally moving out!
Rabbit, a snake?! Nope. All the kittens are disbursed now, with one that went missing at some point after the party. I took my two, you took Hopkins, and the next-door neighbors took two, as well. Prolly the snake got the last one! :(
Tally, I'm finally out of there, though we haven't quite finished unloading the truck.
Wow... paranoid ain't the word, "dumb" is. I'm glad ya got out, Christina. And Got 'Net... too!
Yay for moving away from weird roomies! I trust you'll spay any cats you feed at the new place? :)
Buck, it is a blessing! I'm addicted, you know...
Lissa, one boy kitten and one girl, and they will be neutered and spayed, respectively, as soon as they weigh enough! :D
I was afraid the situation was too goo to be true. I'm sorry. You don't need to deal with this right now, you're busy enough.
I'll give you a call later today.
Thanks for explaining the signs were meant for intruders. I was about to get a serious mad-on against him for posting such things for your benefit. Glad the move is over with for you. Moving is stressful, and it's good to have done with.
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