My contest prize just arrived today, and I'm so excited and pleased! It's like it's my birthday and Christmas, all rolled up into one epic ball of WIN!
We have a nifty American Embassy in Singapore tote bag, a snarky t-shirt, a beautiful preserved orchid, a Singapore postcard, and some rather intriguing foodstuffs. Yes, those are indeed seaweed-flavored Pringles potato chips. And some mango-filled cookies. I'm too chicken to try the chips right now, but Silver reports that they taste delicious. We *all* can attest to the tastiness of the mango cookies...NOM. Yes, food doesn't last long in these here parts...;)
Thank you again, Crystal! I love everything, and it will all be cherished (except for the food, that will be devoured. Quickly.) I can't believe I got stuff from SINGAPORE!
And thanks to Elanor, who had the wisdom and kindness, not to mention the manual dexterity, to pull my name out of the hat!
Go for the Pringles!
I noticed that you commented on my daughter's blog. Did you see her photos of the new kitten? I thought you would like her.
YES! Kitteh on toilet. Is she being toilet trained? I can't bring my two kittens into the house until I move. My current roommate despises indoor pets. Twelve more days...
I tried the Pringles. They were a bit too seaweedy for me. *ahem*
That's better than halloween!! Look at all the treats!
OMNOMNOM...the cookies were certainly delectable, and didn't last long. :)
Winning free stuff RULES!!
I've been trying to leave a comment saying we're glad you liked everything, but Blogger hates me.
Then we're even, 'cause Facebook hates ME!!
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