Thursday, August 26, 2010

No more!

Caffeine after noon, that is. Rising four AM and I STILL can't sleep. ARGH!
My dog just peed on the carpet (probably because of a totally disrupted schedule, and probably because I'm so groggy I didn't notice his cues), and I know I'm going to be so fucking miserable later (I can't exactly say "in the morning", because it IS morning already!).

Oh, well.

In other news, I sexed one of my kittens wrong. Pipsqueak is Bruiser's BROTHER, not his sister. It's just that he's not as developed as his brother and his balls haven't dropped yet. Sheesh. At least I didn't name him "Buttercup" or "Daisy"...

In other, OTHER news, my fall classes started this week and I think I'm going to really enjoy them! Except for maybe my Microbiology lab...I'll have to see how much I can improve.

To quote JayG, "That is all."


Shannon said...

Caffeine after noontime keeps you up until 4 in the morning? Oh, oh, oh...I wish. I can drink a tank of coffee at 7 p.m. and still zonk by 9 then not want to get up when the alarm goes off at 3:30. Trade??

Christina RN LMT said...


I'm extremely sensitive. I drank two cups of HALF-caff coffee around 3 PM before class. Was wired until 5 AM! And now woke up at 10 AM. *sigh* I feel just as awful as I predicted.

Dave (aka Buckskins Rule) said...

I arise at 4am, and I'm lucky if drinking 4 cups of coffee in the morning keeps me up until noon.

Buck said...

You ARE sensitive, Christina. I've been known to do a 12-cup pot between oh-dark-thirty and 1000 hrs and take a nap immediately thereafter. With NO problemas.

Christina RN LMT said...

I envy you guys. It's a vicious circle with me if I keep on drinking coffee, or anything else caffeinated for that matter. I'll be kept awake and sleep poorly because of the caffeine, then be tired and dragging, so I "have" to drink more...and so on, and so forth. Then there comes the time when I have to cut myself off completely. And that is so very painful! Not looking forward to it...

Old NFO said...

Same here... sigh... drink coffee ALL day, then drop off in a heartbeat.

Christina RN LMT said...

DAMMIT! Is it a male vs. female thing?

Whatever it is, it's not fair!

SCI-FI said...

I split the difference: Coffee gives me such a headache that I rarely drink it, but I guzzle tea in such enormous quantities that I get more caffeine than if I just drank two cups of coffee.

But after all that tea, I can still go right to sleep.

Christina RN LMT said...


Anonymous said...

Pipsqueak is a guy? :(

Lissa said...

. . . that's why God invented whiskey to go in the coffee?

Christina RN LMT said...

Sorry, Tally! Pipsqueak is a (small) male. :)

Lissa, BAILEY'S and coffee, YUM! But not before class. :D

Rabbit said...

When we had the coffeehouse, I'd generally drink a couple of airpots by myself before noon. Wife said I'd twitch in my sleep. I'm down to maybe 3 or 4 cups a day now, but I can still drink it up until the time I attempt to go to sleep, not that I do sleep much.

Christina RN LMT said...

Rabbit, that would leave me institutionalized, for sure! I start losing it after a few weeks of heavy caffeination, undoubtedly due to sleep deprivation. I'm not a very pleasant person to be around, under those conditions. :P