I also really enjoyed hearing the croaking of frogs whenever I passed a pond (tank?). Cicadas I'm used to hearing. Frogs? Definitely none of those in Las Vegas!
As we walked across the yard to the street, I noticed some daffodils (?) spearing up from around the base of a tree. Did my taciturn, redneck, macho roommate plant these, or were they here when he bought the place, eight years ago?
Here are some of the views on our walk. I'm sure they will be even more beautiful when spring has fully sprung!
Love the water tower in the distance:
I'm sure very soon a bird couple will be using this nest:
The following REALLY amused me. A massive gate structure, suited to an equally massive mansion, plantation, or ranch house a la South Fork, yet up the driveway is a modest, unassuming three-bed-room (probably) brick house. The brick does match, though! Oh, and you can see Harley's butt in the second picture. The sun was so bright today, I couldn't see what I was photographing most of the time!
Speaking of my pups, they were so tired by the end of our trek, they stood still long enough for me to take pictures!
And when we finally got home, they lapped up a bit of water and collapsed. They are STILL sacked out, for that matter.
Tucker tuckered out. Harley is buried under sheets and blankets.
All in all a very good way to pass a couple hours. Now only if my 85 SPF sunblock had worked a bit better...*sigh*.
Very cool! Pretty country and pups!
Looks gorgeous out your way. The weather sure looks warm too! Wanna trade some cold, rainy weather for a clear day or two?
Nice looking dogs there too, what breed?
Thanks, Yuri!
Mudruck, it POURED all day yesterday, so the blue sky was nice. It was in the seventies, but very windy.
My dogs are Italian Greyhounds, the smallest sight hound breed, though they are in the Toy Group. I love 'em!
What cuties! Looks like you aer having a wonderful time in your new home.
I am, but I'm definitely looking forward to Colorado!
Good pics! And a good walk NOT spoiled... :-) The pups obviously needed a little exercise too!
Old NFO, thank you! And they are still sleeping. Took a potty break about an hour ago, now they're curled up again.
Beautiful dogs! Regarding the house, maybe they ran short of bricks after building the entry :)
Thanks, B.R.!
You might have a point...unfortunately, the scale is not so readily apparent in the pictures. The gates and brick wall were well above the level of my head.
Your dogs are such adorable little rockets! Maybe a parasol like the GoLite Chrome Dome trekking umbrella to prevent skin scorch? Although very windy might "Mary Poppins" you...
Elisabet, I was very tempted to wear a hat, but it was so windy that I knew keeping it firmly planted on my noggin would be a challenge, so I opted for more sunblock and sunglasses. I'm just singed around the edges a bit, not completely scorched!
Thanks for the compliment on my pups, they are ALWAYS appreciated.
Agree with the others on the puppehs!
Daffodils? Already? Yow!
Thanks, Buck!
The amazing thing is how quickly the daffodils bloom. The tightly furled ones in the background of the picture, which is from yesterday, are now fully open. BEAUTIFUL!
Pond= something in the yard ya put the fish in.
Tank= the big watering hole in the pasture.
Your dogs are beautiful, kinda makes me miss mine.
And Texas doesn't even COMPARE to Colorado.........I can't wait till July. My family vacations up there every summer. It's been a while since I've been to the cabin, but there is nothing like it.
AP, I guess they're all tanks here, then. Pretty ones, with croaking frogs. :D
Colorado is beautiful, indeed, but I love my new home. Don't harsh my mellow, Woman!
Not meaning to "harsh your mellow".......LOL. I'm glad you love your new home and growing up around your new home I can say Colorado is prettier. Though there is some beautiful scenery around there. Matter of fact I might just have to make me a trip down 1201 Saturday. I miss my lake!!!!
Are those whippets? How cool is that?!
Close, Bag Blog...Italian Greyhounds!
They are the smallest greyhounds, a toy breed. Harley is around 13 pounds, and Tucker a whopping 19. He's huge for an IG.
It was such a grand day out - thanks for sharing the photos! It's nice to outlast the pets on occasion, innit? It's nice when they sleep like logs afterward, too, innit?
Oh, no doubt, Phlegmmy! It's so quiet and peaceful. For a few hours, that is!
sounds (& looks like) a fantastic walk ...
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