I had a client earlier today who made me scratch my head. No, she didn't have head lice which she passed on to me. She just confused me.
I was reading her intake form before the massage, and she'd circled the great big NO next to "diabetes", yet she listed Metformin under her current medications. I recalled that Metformin, aka Glucophage, was an oral medication for diabetes, so I asked her about it.
"Oh, I take Metformin. It helps control my insulin levels. But I'm not diabetic. I don't have diabetes!"
Okey-dokey. De Nile is not just a river in Egypt, Folks.
Now if any of you edjumacated people out there have a different explanation for this apparent incongruence, let me have it. I'm not afraid to admit when I'm wrong.
Metformin is sometimes used in situations where there is insulin resistance but not frank DM, such as polycystic ovarian disease.
yes, used here too to help with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
In addition to the above, metaphysical people believe labeling something is giving it energy and existence. Get a lot of that around here.
Okay, thanks y'all! I stand corrected. Maybe she just didn't want to elaborate. But it IS my job to seek clarification in situations like this. Diabetes can be an issue with massage, since some people have neuropathy, and there is the concern that the lack of sensation in the hands and feet could lead to the therapist potentially injuring the client. Hey, it could happen! It's a liability thing.
Yes it is used for PCOS as well as diabetes, but usually people with PCOS know that is why they are taking metformin. Oh well....ask her what her HgAic is..then we'll know for sure. Hope things are good for you. We sure are missing your massages now that we got spoiled. Talk with you soon.
Miss you guys, too, Angela!
I don't know if I'll see that client again, though.
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