This past Tuesday, my fourteen-year-old twin daughters arrived from the Midwest to spend (most) of the summer with me. I'm so happy! They've been known as Thing 1 and Thing 2 on this blog, but I gave them the option of choosing their own handles so here they are...(they take after their father, in that they almost always have to make faces when having a picture taken):
Here's Tahlia, or Tally for short (formerly Thing 1):

And Chaos (aka Thing 2):

Here are all three of my daughters together, a rare sight! From left, Silver, Tally, and Chaos:

Expect light posting for the next week or so, especially since I'm also taking an on-line class!
Don't worry, though...I always find time to read everyone else's blogs!
wow, your life swings
Wow they're all so good looking, I wonder where they get their looks from...
You read too much Dr. Seuss.
*LOL* @tally-angel -
They're all so clever -- I wonder whence they get their wit?
Ok, Ok, enough with all the's been a week already...I want a new post.
And oh, yeah. your girls are cute.
the Angel Baby Girl at that age wore black eyeliner and had a plastic fetus hanging from a noose as a necklace. Get down on your knees and Thank whatever god you worship!
Wow the girls look great!! Tell Silver, Z and I say Happy Birthday.
Muffin 1
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