Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I got chills...

they're multiplyin'!

Another classic, if you ignore the fact that Sandy changes herself completely to win her man...I LOVED this whole movie and all the music in it, the summer I was eight, and since then, too.


Anonymous said...

Danny changed himself for her too...

notice the Cardigan sweater...

love that movie


Miz Minka said...

Hahaha, excellent! Thanks for the stroll down memory lane. I couldn't help but notice the now-totally-not-PC cigarette dangling from Sandy's fingers. That would be so not cool today. :)

Christina RN LMT said...

Point, B. But ultimately she turns herself into someone she THINKS he wants, I thought he was in love with her the way she was? Anyway, too much analysis will ruin the movie! I do love it, and wish I could wear that outfit...*ROWR*!

Miz Minka, you're very welcome...and remember, she never inhaled! ;)

memory_lucky12 said...

You know, Danny changed himself as well. They were just showing that they would do anything for each other... or something like that.

Zelda said...

DId she change for him or did she become the trampy greaser chick she always secretly wanted to be?

Christina RN LMT said...

Another good point, Zelda! She finally let loose and freed her inner wild child!