First came the drive to the airport, right into a cloudburst. POURING rain, lots of lightning and thunder...which led to lots of waiting, because the planes couldn't land in that sort of weather, apparently.
Here's Silver, waiting relatively patiently:
Then, finally...they appeared! My babies, now almost as tall as I, and definitely taller than their big sister (which causes me to laugh heartily, since she always pushed them around when they were little...)
Here's a group photo of the three of them, we were all rather silly and giddy by that time, and were probably driving all the other folks in the airport batty with our excited and loud chatter:
From left to right: Chaos, Silver, and Tally!
The twins told a funny story about their seatmate on the flight, a middle-aged man in a business suit, who was actually reading TWILIGHT. And enjoying it. He told them it was "good". Poor, deluded sap.
Now I'm blogging (obviously), after having had dinner (DaddyBear, the potroast was DELICIOUS, even though I used a Fat Tire instead of Smithwick's), while the girls are in the next room playing Super Smash Bros. before we all hit the sack. I'm beat, but elated and overjoyed to have all my girls together again. This summer is going to be EPIC. :D
What beautiful girls! So glad that everybody arrived safely - hope you four have a tremendous summer! Think of the Rock Operas you can create while walking the dogs!!
Shannon, we already did Bohemian Rhapsody again, on the drive home from the airport this time. Fun harmonies and lots of laughter. :)
Thanks, btw. I'm so happy to have them here.
That explains the dim screams I heard from the south-westerly direction yesterday....
Congrats! Hope the whole brood has a great time!
Thanks, Sean. And yes, collectively and individually, we are quite loud and verbose. To put it mildly. ;)
Enjoy your girls! They are beautiful and seem to be fun loving.
Way-cool. There's NOTHING like reuniting the fambly.
Thank you, Lou and Buck. We've been having so much fun already. It's so good to have them all together again. Even with the bickering. ;)
I am so happy for you! Enjoy the girls and have loads of fun.
Thanks so much, 'mom! I definitely plan on it!
Glad you liked the pot roast! Have fun with your girls. Something tells me this is going to be a summer you all will remember forever!
DaddyBear, I'm still enjoying the leftovers. We made it with REAL mashed potatoes. NUMMY!
And we're having so much fun already.
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