Saturday, April 17, 2010

Not going well...

my second job, that is. I work for a local chiropractor three days a week, 21 hours altogether. Or at least I'm *supposed* to. In reality, this past week for instance, I only worked on Monday, 6.5 hours. If he thinks the next day is going to be "too slow", he'll text me not to bother to come in. This is a problem, because HEY! it's my job and I need the money!

The doc is an EXCELLENT chiro, and I speak from experience, but as a businessman...he's an excellent chiro. *sigh*

He's been in business at that location for the past five years, and yet he still barely scrapes by every month. Since I finished cleaning up the mess that was his patient charts, etc., there hasn't really been much for me to do.

But there's light at the end of the tunnel, because the owner of a local (very popular) nail salon is renovating a room for me, ordering all necessary supplies, and should be ready for me to start seeing clients in about two weeks. Then I will regretfully (yet with a sigh of relief) bid farewell to my front desk job at the chiropractor's, and start building up my massage business. Which is as it should be.


Carteach said...

I have become a firm believer in massage as a life enhancer. Sure, it can be expensive to get done by someone who is really good, but like anything else we buy.... price is not a always an indicator of value.

I will quite happily pay $100 for an hours massage, and consider it well spent indeed.

Start your business, build your clientele... and make their lives better.

Christina RN LMT said...

Thanks, Carteach...that's the plan, anyway! :D

Shannon said...

You will do MUCH better in building up your massage business - if the Chiro can't see the error of his business practices, then you don't need to subject yourself to that progressively dwindling's not good for your emotional and mental health. If you are as fantastic as you seem through this blog, then there will be no problem - you will do wonderful!!

Old NFO said...

Glad to hear the light at the end of the tunnel really IS the end of the tunnel!!! Hang in there Christina! :-)

Buck said...

Good news at the end of this post, less so at the beginning. I always find it sad when people fail and your chiropractor employer seems to be one such. But you, Dear Christina... YOU will succeed. I'm pretty convinced of that.

SCI-FI said...

Renovating a room for you - ? That must mean you're worth the risk! Awesome!

Farmmom said...

Fantastic!!!! You will do great! I am happy for you and you will be able to schedule your own hours too!

DaddyBear said...

Hang touch, Christina! Building up a business doing something you enjoy is what everyone dreams of doing, and you're really brave to do it!

Christina RN LMT said...

Thanks so much for all your words of encouragement! It really means a LOT to me. :)

It's wonderful to know that I have such fabulous and kind friends rooting for me, I won't let y'all down!

be603 said...

Yeah Buck, thank goodness for happy endings. (murfle, snork, HAH)

You can the boy out of Jr High but you can't take the Jr High out of the boy (same goes for old sailors).

Christina RN LMT said...

be603...keep it up, Mister! You're walking a very fine line... ;)

dick said...

Buy a gun. That'll show 'em! ;)

Christina RN LMT said...

LOL. You're such a smart-ass, Dick!

be603 said...

some straight lines just hang out there like a slow pitch over the plate, ya know?

I quit going to my favorite chiro when he got to be such "good" a businessman that appointments became impossible to get. He had so many opportunities to be a partner/guest at this institute or that college that he was impossible to schedule an appointment.

Christina RN LMT said...

be603, I guess you can go too far in the opposite direction. Trust me, getting in to see my chiro is NOT an issue!