Thursday, March 14, 2013

Clinical snippets...

Me (responding to patient after he directed a spate of rapid-fire Greek at me): I'm sorry, I didn't understand you.

Patient: What use are you to me if you can't speak English?! Don't you have to speak English to work here?!

Me (blinking in confusion): Sir, of course I can speak English...we're speaking English NOW.

Patient: BAH!

Maybe I shouldn't have said "Kali mera!" when I walked into the room...


When my partner and I got on the elevator to go have lunch, it was packed, but by the time we got to the cafeteria level, there was only the two of us...and a group of six red-and-black-clad nursing students from our "rival" school. No greetings were exchanged and tension was in the air as we glared at each other, sizing our opponents up. I was prepared for the rhythmic finger-snapping and stylized fighting to commence, but the elevator dinged and the door opened. Saved by lunch! (And I can't make up my mind whether I want to be a Shark or a Jet, anyway...)


I had my finger in someone's butt, and not in a fun way.


Being my patients' advocate and getting results is AWESOME.


If I get home after well more than 12 hours on my feet, and the only thing that appeals to me for dinner is a big bowl of popcorn, then by golly, I'm gonna have popcorn for dinner! And that's okay.


Julie said...

"finger in someone's butt, but not in a fun way" ... tells me WAY MORE than I want to know :)

Paul, Dammit! said...

Yeah, that jumped out at me- I laughed out loud and had to explain to the crew on my boat why I was giggling. I'm not sure if they now have more or less respect for their captain.

Christina RN LMT said...

Julie and Paul, as long as I made you laugh! :D

doubletrouble said...

Jets are cooler...

TOTWTYTR said...

I'm totally failing to visualize having your finger in anyone's butt in a funny way.

There is nothing funny about that, whether you are the fingerer or the fingeree.

Buck said...

"In a fun way" made me LOL, too, and I mean really laugh OUT LOUD. But, Hey... I'm alone here so I can laugh as loud as I wanna.

Also: Now I've got "When You're a Jet" runnin' around in my brain. Thanks for that. Not. ;-)

WV: 11 decupl. Really.

be603 said...

Welllll, you can take the therapist outta the massage parlor, butt...

it's still not gonna be a happy ending