Friday, February 08, 2013

Watching the snow fall...

and feeling supremely blessed and grateful that I'm safe inside. It's warm, I have plenty (too much!) food and the company is the best.

Oh, and I got an email earlier that I'm not expected at work tonight, and most likely not tomorrow, either.

There are far worse ways to ride out Snowpocalypse 2013!


Old NFO said...

Stay warm! :-)

Jennifer said...

Sounds rather nice, actually.

On a Wing and a Whim said...

Enjoy the time off, and remember to warm up and cool down the muscles before shoveling any snow. Oh, and shoveling snow cancels all calories from the hot chocolate afterward. you'll get a few clients with "lower back pain" after they don't watch those snow-shoveling rotations!

Peter said...

You can read Book Two while you're snug and warm!
