Monday, April 02, 2012


I was shocked when I got my chemistry exam back a couple of hours ago: I GOT A 97!!! I truly wasn't expecting that, especially after the professor disclosed at the beginning of lecture that the class average was 64.

Now I don't have to sweat the third exam as much, since the lowest exam grade of the three will be dropped. I am dreading the cumulative final, though...*GULP*.

I'm so looking forward to the summer! No class, my twins will be here, I'll still only be working will be good! I just have to get there...


ZerCool said...

Way to blow the curve!

Guffaw in AZ said...

We never had any doubt...

Weer'd Beard said...

You're officailly "that girl". If I was still a struggling C student I'd hate you right now.

I'm not, so I still like you.

Josh Kruschke said...

I thick we have a closeted nerd here; get the delousing powder ready.


Buck said...

Most excellent, Christina. You GO, Girl!

Wally said...

Nice! Way to go Christina !!

SCI-FI said...

"I was shocked [...]"
You were shocked by getting an A? If so, you were the only one.

WE in the audience all knew the "A" was coming.


Anonymous said...

Just remember after the final exam, when you get another 97, don't celebrate by drinking an undisclosed number of Black Russians when you have to drive home. Don't ask me how I know....
An Old RN...

phlegmfatale said...

I'd say you're well-poised to hit it out of the park for the whole semester! Yays!