Monday, February 13, 2012

Unfortunate Discovery.

Apparently, just because I can READ on the bus doesn't mean I can STUDY on the bus.

Kindle reading, with its font and line-spacing changeability, is perfectly fine. My chemistry textbook? Not so much...*urp*.

Motion sickness sucks. Or blows, rather. Chunks...


SCI-FI said...

"Excuse me, driver? Could you pull over? The nursing student in Seat 12 just had a Negligent Discharge all over the floor... and my shoes."

(Bus slams on the brakes and skids for the curb...)

MSgt B said...

Great way to start your day

Old NFO said...

Ouch... Hang in there kiddo!

Christina RN LMT said...

SCI-FI, I was luckily able to keep it together for the last twenty minutes of my ride, but it was a close thing...

MSgt B., it was fortunately at the end of my day!

Thanks, NFO!

Suldog said...

I recall hearing someplace that differently colored glasses can help with motion sickness of that sort. I'm not sure if it was yellow lenses or something else. Or maybe I'm just giving you false hope, and I'm crazy.