So, the other night I was gratefully settling into bed, already drifting off before the dogs got situated in their regular spots; Harley curled up behind my knees, and Tucker against my belly/torso. Harley wasted no time, burrowing under the covers and snuggling in. Tucker, however, decided to snarf the last of the dogfood quickly, he hoovered the leftovers in seconds, then jumped up onto the bed, curling up against me as I held the covers up for him.
Not five seconds later I heard an ominous *uuuuuuuurp*, followed by a rattling/gagging sound...UGH! Tucker proceeded to barf up all the food he'd just gorged on, leaving three piles of undigested yet mushy dogfood on the bed.
Gee, thanks dog!
It was another fifteen minutes (at least) before I finally was able to go to sleep.
At least the food wasn't wasted. I carefully dumped the vomitus on a wee-wee pad, and Harley had eaten it up before I got back from starting the laundry.
Oh, ewwww. Nothing says "calm, relaxing sleep" like a pile of pet barf on your blankie. Not to mention THREE piles!
And this is why you don't let the dog sleep in your bed...
Mike beat me to it... animals do NOT belong in bed (at least my bed)...
Poor dog. He was torn between snuggling and his Kibbles and Bits.
What's with the "no-pets-in-bed" thing? I love snuggling with my puppehs! And I've been thrown up on by my kids, too. At least he missed *me*, right? And the pillows were okay, too...
I'm with you Christina.
Dogs are welcome in bed at any time.
Well, make that almost any time.
A cold winter night is much improved by a furry furnace pressed up to the small of your back.
Being awoken in the wee hours by a hurka-hurka noise once in a while is simply the bitter note in the sweetness of puppehs. And you can't appreciate the sweet without knowing the bitter.
WV: blect How appropriate.
I did have to draw the line at the kitties after two nights of almost no sleep.
Even wearing earplugs didn't help much. So now they are banned from the bedroom at night after bedtime.
My dogs will always be welcome, that's pretty much non-negotiable for me (just putting that out there...)
Yep, I'm in that crowd too, dogs can sleep on my bed if they're clean. As long the dog doesn't have fleas, why the heck not? Mitzi makes a nice little foot warmer this time of year, or she likes to snuggle up in front of me too. Makes me sleep better, I think! :)
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