Friday, October 16, 2009

An Experiment

Last night was something of an experiment for me. I'm not used to going to the movies by myself, and had in fact been resisting doing so since I left Silver in North Dakota. Anyone who knows me well will realize how unnatural it is for me to go so long without visiting the movie theater...I LOVE going to the movies and enjoy everything about the experience. (Except for how ridiculously expensive everything is...)

Instead of spending the evening sitting in my skivvies in front of the computer, surfing the 'net, I dolled myself up and went out.

I headed to the Red Rock Casino, where I saw "Zombieland" at the Regal Cinemas there.
VERY funny movie, see my previous post. And while I certainly missed seeing Silver's reaction to stuff, and missed our quiet snarking back and forth, I did enjoy myself tremendously.

Then, to continue my dissipation, I settled at the Rocks Lounge inside the Red Rock and played Deuces Wild video poker for about half an hour, while enjoying my free coffee with Bailey's and whipped cream...mmmmmmm.

Lest you think I'm some sort of compulsive gambler now, my budget is $10.00, and I cashed out at $11.25. So I MADE money; even counting the dollar tip I left the bartender, I came out ahead by a quarter! That's about my speed at gambling, I can't imagine wagering large amounts of money, it would make my tummy hurt!

So, all in all a successful outcome to my experiment. I'll have to repeat it soon...just to make sure I can get the same's for science, after all!


SCI-FI said...

I think someone with such a "public" identity as yourself (or JayG at MArooned, or Breda, etc, etc) are very seldom truly "alone"... Even though you pay for one ticket, and may not have anyone to snark with in the theater, you can consider a reliable "fanbase" in your corner the minute you log on and blog.

Maybe I'm oversimplifying, but take heart in having such an audience.... (Same for JayG, Breda, Ambulance Driver, and so on.)

Also: you "played video poker" -- I thought "playing video poker" was a polite euphemism for, um, something else... from last weekend...

dick said...

Sounds like a plan to me.
Oh, and my new Wordpress avatar is the Killer clown in the movie.

Christina RN LMT said...

Thank you, SCI-FI...that's a really nice way of looking at things...even though I'm nowhere near the top rank of bloggers (actually, I'm probably more at the bottom of the barrel, hit-wise...)
Um, LEARNING how to play video poker was the euphemism...I think.

Dick, I HATE clowns. Despise, fear, whathaveyou. I do NOT want to see your avatar, EVER. *shudders*

Buck said...

That's about my speed at gambling, I can't imagine wagering large amounts of money...

Mine, too. I used to drop loose change in the slots as I passed by, and that was it. Thank GOD I'm not a junkie...

Christina RN LMT said...

You and me both, Buck. I mean, if I had craptons of money, I might wager a bit more, but I'm certainly not hooked.

SCI-FI said...

Regarding hits -- it's "quality," not "quantity." In the end, 5-10 loyal readers is worth 2500 casual clickers, right?

(Except in terms of ad space. In that case, all bets are off.)


Christina RN LMT said...

SCI-FI, I won't argue with you there, as I have the best readers on the 'net, without a doubt! :)

Home on the Range said...

I LOVE movies. I never went to any with the fellow I had dated as he couldn't even watch my TV shows without ripping them apart. Movies would have been painful.

There's just something about the big screen and the sound and the overpriced popcorn and the whole thing.

Christina RN LMT said...

Brigid - YAY, another thing we have in common! I've always loved going to the theater, sticky floors and all.

Roismhaire said...

On a Monday afternoon (my day off) I'll go to the movies on my own and sometimes I'll get the WHOLE theater to myself. You can break wind, have that cell phone ring and shout at the screen all you want. It's fab.

Christina RN LMT said...

Sounds like an excellent time, Roismhaire. I'll see if I can replicate it sometime.