I HAD to tease her, I mean, can you blame me?!
She took it with good grace, merely saluting me with her middle finger.
She should be playing the Joker in the next Batman movie, or maybe one of the chipmunks in the next "Alvin and the Chipmunks" movie!
I'm not very nice, I know. But hey, that's what Moms are for!
Edit: I also think she's a dead ringer for Jay Leno right now...
I'm going to burn in hell!
you will burn in hell, because you are wrong, she looks darling, like she has rouge and pink healthly cheecks, tell her i said so...
I think she looks adorable! She looks like a little elfkin! Even different from her usual look, she's still lovely, and I'd be so proud to have a daughter who looks exactly as she does in the photo. GOod for her for getting those damned teeth out instead of waiting until she's 34 like I did!
I'll tell her, Putz! Thank you.
Phlegmmy, she had her routine dental check-up two weeks ago, and they said, "Oh, and her wisdom teeth are impacted. See you in six months."
I instead immediately got her a referral to the oral surgeon, and a week after that...voila!
She had her braces for FOUR YEARS, I didn't want her wisdom teeth to start causing shifting of her other teeth!
Awww ... poor Silver. I hope she's feeling better and that the swelling has started to go down.
For what it's worth, I've had my wisdom teeth out when I was 15 because my dentist recommended we should have it done as "my jaw isn't large enough" to accommodate them and the rest of my teeth. (Small jaws run in my family.)
I had the first two (top and bottom on the left side) out at the dentist's and had to go back to have my stitches out a couple weeks later. My dentist had had an accident, so someone else pulled the stitches and, apparently, missed some of them. It ended up getting infected.
After that, I decided to have the other two teeth out at the hospital, under anesthesia. The surgery went well. The stitches all came out. And it still got infected. Ugh ... yeah ...
I hope Silver's recovery is a lot less painful than mine was!
OW!!! Poor thing, they did the same to me when I had mine out! Hope she feels better-and doesn't get dry socket like I did!
Wow, MG...sounds like a nightmare!
Silver's are dissolving stitches, and as of last night, the swelling has gone down tremendously (thank goodness!)
She was put under general anesthesia (for the first time ever), and was quite loopy on the drive home!
Kvegas911, I hope she doesn't get dry socket, either (no one at the surgeon's office mentioned that...)
Thanks for your well-wishes, both of you!
Awwwww... hope she feels better!
Thanks, Blondie! The swelling has almost disappeared, and she just has some faint bruising along her jaw on both sides of her face. Plus pain when she laughs!
Awwww!!! If u were my mom making fun of me I'd CRY!!!! Since ur not, it's totally funny!!!!!
I still have my wisdom teeth. I refuse to get them pulled unless they cause me trouble.
I hope she feels better soon! Icepacks galore!
Poor kid! I always look like I'm storing nuts for the winter after dental work. . hope she feels better soon.
Thanks, Kelly and Brigid! She's doing loads better now (two weeks later), and all the swelling is gone. She's been in band camp since Monday, and playing her clarinet has caused a little pain.
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