Friday, January 15, 2016

I'm a REAL nurse now!

Clocked in at 0640 and didn't pee until 1905.


Enid Mueller said...

Yes, but this is very bad.

Guffaw in AZ said...



Old NFO said...

Not good... You know better... :-)

Peter said...

Be careful. If you wait too long, it'll be the urination of you . . .


Christina RN LMT said...

Enid and NFO, I KNOW! Lol...

GFA, thanks? (:D)

Peter, I've missed your puns! Even though it seems I must be a glutton for punishment...

be603 said...

When asked if she could do it again, came the reply, "It Depends."

Aesop said...

Remember, a good shift is one where you get to pee twice, and neither time is in your pants.