Thursday, December 18, 2014

Huge Sigh of Relief...

The moment has finally arrived: PINNING CEREMONY!!

I took my last final on Tuesday and tonight I will be officially welcomed into the ranks of nurses. (We won't go into the whole "officially-graduated-but-no-commencement-ceremony-until-May" thing, that's why we're doing the pinning ceremony in the first place. Yes, despite having my BSN now [w00t], I still plan on coming back in five months for the cap and gown. I earned it.)

I'm so thankful and grateful for my friends and family, without whom I never would have made it to this point. I could never have succeeded in a vacuum, and I'm going to make sure that they know *I* know this and appreciate all they've done.

The lovely Phlegm Fatale has been staying with us since Saturday, and we've had a blast (including going to see The Buttcracker in Boston last night, totally worth losing sleep and something I want to go to next year, too. It was a hilarious and fun show!) I'm so happy she could make it out here, not just for the pinning ceremony, but to spend time with all of us. We've missed her sparkling presence!

Tonight (and tomorrow night, and Saturday night) is for celebrating!

Thanks to all of you readers, too, for coming along for the ride all these years. I appreciate you!


Guffaw in AZ said...

Enjoy and Be Safe!


Peter said...

Congratulations! It's been a long, hard ride for you. Come down to Phlegmfest in January so Miss D. and I can give you the hug you deserve!

Keads said...


Old NFO said...

Congrats, you deserve it!!! Proud of you lady!!!

DaddyBear said...


Captain Tightpants said...

Congratulations my friend - you've worked hard and deserve to be proud of yourself. Well done!!!!

Christina RN LMT said...

Thank you!!!