Sunday, March 04, 2012

Thank you, Weer'd!

SCI-FI, Weer'd, and I had a lovely afternoon at the range today, turning money into smoke and noise.

After firing so many,  many handguns over the past couple of years, I've finally decided on a carry gun!

This is quite the momentous occasion. And the winner is ................................drumroll please.............................. the CZ 82!

It feels great in my hands, I shoot fairly accurately with it (and the more I practice, the better I shall get), the recoil is moderate, and I just plain DIG the epic muzzle flash and the clouds of smoke from the "dirty, Russian gunpowder". Also, and the importance of this can NOT be overstated, it's a very cheap gun. Even a strapped-for-cash college student like myself can swing the purchase of one of these guns. And that's a very good thing.

So thanks again, Weer'd, for inviting us onto your playground and sharing your toys so nicely. You're a good friend.


DaddyBear said...

Sweet! I love mine! It's my normal carry gun.

When you go looking for a holster, I suggest giving Michael a ring. He made mine and I love it.

Home on the Range said...

I've chatted with Weer'd via email and you got to SHOOT with him. I'm so jealous.

Give me a call this week if you have time. Lots to catch up on.

Lokidude said...

They're great little guns. I love mine. Michael the Evyl Robot made a holster for one for DaddyBear, so you have a source for leather.

Also, Hornady's XTP round performs wonderfully in them. Great defensive load (and one of the few premium loads available in the caliber.)

Lokidude said...

And DaddyBear beats me to his great holster...

Christina RN LMT said...

Oh, Evylrobot Michael is going to be the first person I contact once I have my gun, believe me! I've seen his work and it's FANTASTIC.

Brigid, I've been meaning to call you! It'll probably be towards the end of next week, 'cause I have a stupid paper due Thursday. We do have a lot of catching up to do. :)

Old NFO said...

You did it the right way, and congrats on your selection!

Randy said...

also carry the cz 82. i say ditto to everything you say about it. try sieller & bellot ammo, probably a lot cleaner than the rooskie stuff.

Ross said...

And of course, the most important thing is to practice, practice, practice. Practice until you can draw it without thinking, you can load it instinctively, and when you DO draw it, it comes right up and points.

Of course, cheap ammo helps by making it cheap to shoot, too... so you have no excuse not to.