Tuesday, January 24, 2012


is being stuck at a subway station due to a malfunctioning train and being forced over and OVER and OVER again to listen to a third-grade-skill-level saxophonist butchering "Mary Had a Little Lamb", "The Star-Spangled Banner", "The Wedding March", and "Happy Birthday". Among a few other songs. I believe "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" was one of them, but I can't be quite sure BECAUSE HE SUCKED!!!

Man, where are earplugs when you need them?!


Old NFO said...

LOL, if you'd PAID s/he enough I'm sure they would have quit... :-)

BGMiller said...

You don't keep a pair of earplugs with just in case?


Christina RN LMT said...

NFO, he was on the OTHER side of the tracks, or I would have been seriously tempted. You could have propelled a sailboat with the sighs of relief exhaled by all of us poor, trapped souls when the next train finally arrived.

BGM, I will from now on. :D

Bag Blog said...

Beware bad buskers!

Anonymous said...


Lissa said...

Me, I thought Hell was more like when you're stuck in a T car in high summer and the A/C goes out and you get covered in sweat.

Sweat that isn't yours.


TOTWTYTR said...

Another reason why I try to avoid the T at all costs. As if I needed another reason.

Christina RN LMT said...

Hey, I LOVE the T! It reminds me of being back home in Berlin, riding the UBahn...but with less winos, graffiti, and random men exposing themselves and masturbating in public.

Suldog said...

Wait a minute... let me get this straight. You don't like winos, graffiti, and random men exposing themselves and masturbating in public? How odd.

Yeah, being trapped in a place where a rotten musician is serenading you is pretty gruesome.

TOTWTYTR said...

If the T has fewer winos, graffiti, and random men exposing themselves and masturbating than the UBahn, Germany is much less civilized than I've always believed.

Ross said...

Pair of 33NRR plugs are ALWAYS in my pocket. Just in case.

As for buskers... there was a guy on Devonshire St at the corner of Franklin some years back who was a piper. I thought, "Cool!! A bagpiper busker!" and stopped to listen. Unfortunately, he was a BAD piper and I bailed quick - nothing worse than a set of bagpipes played off-key.